Water-based mousse can work best on curly hair texture with wavy hair, while a thicker gel or styling cream will provide better definition and hold up thicker, stiffer, grainy coils. For extra protection against freezing, prime your curls with a powerful freezing fighting serum while your hair is still wet. 

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It's no secret that curly hair needs a little more elbow grease to get the perfect style. Curls can take more care, so it may take some time to find the best routine to take care of your curls. If you haven't yet got the usual curly hair routine that you want for soft, fluffy, thick curly hair, we've got you, girl! This is a simple step of curly hair routine that suits your hair and definitely gives you beautiful results.

Curly hair needs a lot of moisture. Many shampoos strip your hair of natural oils that are needed to stay healthy and hydrated. Use curly hair shampoo to help your curls retain maximum moisture .For those days when you don't need to clean your hair, try washing it together. Co-washing is a favorite term for cleaning and conditioning your hair with a special type of conditioner that will not scratch your hair with its natural oils and will cause damage, breakage and loss. Washing together refreshes the crabs without drying or weighing them.

Remember, curly hair is thirsty hair, so don't be afraid to pile on conditioner! Use conditioner for curly hair, and work it into each strand, coating each curl independently. If the conditioner is still in your hair, use a wide-toothed comb to work gently. Let the conditioner work its magic for a few minutes before washing it.

After getting out of the shower, take a microfiber towel or soft cotton T-shirt, and gently squeeze your hair to remove excess moisture. Do not rub or use a regular towel, as rubbing can damage your delicate wires and cause them to fall out. If you need to get rid of any clutter, spray on some holiday conditioner first and use a wide-toothed comb. There are many different types of curl defining style products and hair removers, including serums, gels, sprays and mousses. Find the best product or blend for your hair by identifying your curly hair type.

Water-based mousse can work best on curly hair texture with wavy hair, while a thicker gel or styling cream will provide better definition and hold up thicker, stiffer, grainy coils. For extra protection against freezing, prime your curls with a powerful freezing fighting serum while your hair is still wet. Then, scratch your mousse or gel into wet or damp hair, encouraging curls to form while working with the heads.

To speed up drying without adding a freezer, set your hair dryer to a minimum setting, and attach a diffuser. Let your curls rest gently on the nozzle of the diffuser, and continue to scratch, separate and define each curl as it dries .Set your style with a moisture-fighting hair spray with perfectly defined but touching soft curls. Need a touch up during the day? Use a smoothing cream to fight frostbite and flyways so that your curls look perfect throughout the day.

Use curl resetting spray. Moisturize and refresh your curls with 2 days curl reviving spray without day .Get regular trim. Finding the best way to cut curly hair can be a challenge but it is important to help your curly hair look its best. The ends of your hair are the driest and thinnest part of the strand. Repair and prevent breakage and remove partitions by trimming regularly.